Hi All,
I know Black Sheep Arts has been incredibly quiet over the last 2 years - this has been due to me becoming a full time firefighter and training up to pass my probation.
I feel like I have finally settled into a routine with the shifts and am getting used to managing my time and making art again :)
So while I get back on track with making and selling new art I am still going to keep the online shop closed. My main reason being costs - I was paying an awful lot for an online shop and all of my sales came through instagram and facebook instead.
So I will continue to have this website to advertise any new stock I have but to purchase anything it will be as normal where you have to get in touch first!
Over the next few weeks I am going to be updating this website so it will change a bit and hopefully it will become more clear that sales cannot go through on this page.
And to finish off - I want to say a MASSIVE thank you to all those who still continued to support me and Black Sheep Arts over my quiet two year period where I was developing myself. I am glad to be back.
