Happy New Year! First blog post of the year :)
I am pleased to say that Bec Broomhall will be selling her work with us for another year. Her work is taking a very exciting turn and her new experiments look great. Definitely one to watch this year :)
Unfortunately Matt Gorman will be having a break. He has been with us for a few good years now but may be back in the future with new work. Wish you the best of luck Matt! :)
The plans for Black Sheep Arts continue to grow, adapt and change as I do. I have, and always will want a property - but the logistics of this just seem so impossible and unrealistic at this moment in time.
It may be because I work full time, or the price of rent that puts me off. I plan this year to work on building up my online sales, which may mean making more of my own work. If I can get steady income from this then the rest will hopefully fall into place.
I am continuing with craft stalls and would like to do pop up one day for a week or so. Obviously, again, can be quite difficult with a full time job to pursue this so it might be that I spend this year planning events, organising and saving and next year actioning those plans. I am not giving up....I am just going the long way round! (scenic route is always better anyway)
It has been some time since I have had a business mentor (I miss Hannah!), or even had a catch up with my lovely women in biz friends Grace & Faye. Unfortunately I feel this year may seem unproductive as I will be planning and working hard behind the scenes to work smarter and not harder! :)
Here's to plan B....and C...and D and however many plans I come up with in my business, it's all about flexibility. To those who have been waiting for me to have a property - I apologise. I presume I was a little naive and over ambitious with my orginal plans. I still dream big - but on a more realistic scale now.
Here's to 2017 and all the exciting times ahead!!! :) Thank you to everyone who continue to support Black Sheep Arts.