So this month, I have been looking at some old inspiration for my 'Art of the Month Blog'. I admit I am already tiring of this, and I am only in the second month. So next month I may end up blogging about an exhibition or artist that has inspired me that month instead of a type of art.
But back to this months....
I have been thinking a lot about installations. I have created a couple of installations in my time as a practising artist and have always been drawn to them as a viewer.
Own Arts website describes installation art as -
"The term installation was coined in the 1970s to describe artwork that of any form or size that inhibits a space inside or outside a gallery, which is often site-specific.
Installations are typically three-dimensional and can be made up by a variety of material and medium. They can be indefinite or temporary and viewers can find themselves walking around a piece, contemplating it from a distance or immersing themselves in the space of the work itself.
It is common for installations to be specially commissioned for sites. If someone is interested in buying a site-specific installation an artist may be willing to adapt the original for a new setting or create a similar piece."
These images are of an installation I created in my first year on my BA, I was so pleased as it was the time my thinking about painting changed quite significally. I started to think of painting in a wider context and reading books such as 'Painting as an Interdisciplinary form'. It was at this time I considered the wider field of painting and its possibilities.
I think what draws me most to installation, is the site specificity, that they might not or could not exist anywhere, creating an almost temporary feel to the art work. A kind of urgency, that it needs to be made and seen in that space/context and no where else.
Installations can physically surround the viewer and include them in the art work. On a side note - I have always been interested in music and wanted to create an installation involving art and music or sound, but have never quite reached the idea that I am after. (I even got accepted on a joint degree of art and music but didn't go ahead with it) I would love to collaborate if anyone is interested!!
Until next month! :)