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Cannon Hill Art School

For this month - there was a key exhibition I wanted to check out and that was the Cannon Hill Art School exhibition.

CHAS was set up by Trevor Pitt a couple of months back to encourage and inspire 'students' who probably wouldn't have considered themselves as going to Art School and some people who may not even consider themselves as artists just yet. It was to help these people create a body of work ready for exhibition at the end of the course.

I use the word 'course' loosely - it is a very relaxed, informal art school. CHAS had three key lectures as part of this 'course' where brilliant minds came in to do a talk and had the chance to talk afterwards. The three lectures were Peter Jenkinson's talk about what an Art School is to him, Cornelia Parker's discussion on her work - being an artist and all the bits inbetween and Gavin Wade and Kathrin Böhm who spoke about contemporary approaches to exhibitions and the gallery.

Here are my highlights from the exhibition. As I have mentioned previously - some of my favourite exhibitions are Degree shows, or Open Submissions exhibitions, as the work is so varied and it is great to see such different practises in one room!

Are there any exhibitions you've been to this month that are inspiring?

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