Hi All!
A quick update to let you know you can find Black Sheep Studio & Art Gallery at 2 confirmed craft stalls so far this year - there will be more to come I am sure!
THIS MONTH - I will be at All Saints Square as part of the lovely Kings Heath Craft Market. I joined them twice last year in Winter - hoping for some warmer weather this time!
This will be on the Saturday 23rd May - times still to be confirmed but I will post on the Facebook page about this. I imagine about 10/11 - 5pm. So plenty of time to treat yourself or get in super early for Fathers Day Gift Ideas!
This is a lovely event and a beautiful setting with the church in the background! Would be lovely to see plenty of you there. I will even be selling my postcards and tote bags! So come and get them while they are still around! Tote bags are still at the trial price of £7.50!
Later on this year Black Sheep Studio & Art Gallery are also confirmed for the fantastic City Of Colours Festival! If any of you attended this last year then you know how great it was! Such a mix of talented artists and musicians coming together. I can't wait to be part of this. This will be on the Saturday 12th September - so you have lots of time to save and get all those Christmas Presents sorted nice and early so you can relax!
So that's all! I should be joining Berts & Gerts for a few dates, but haven't got anything confirmed yet. If anyone can think of any other events that would be good to join let me know! :)