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Art Soak Mini Arts Festival and Pop Art Workshop

Pop Art Workshop!

The lovely Catherine Groom has asked me to be part of an event she’s involved with, in March. The event is a mini arts festival call Art Soak which takes place each year with Arts Forum Selly Oak. This year it is taking place the 20th & 21st of March and there are LOTS of fantastic activities to be part of!

There is an exhibition in Druids Heath on the 21st called Connecting Communities, a Sketchcrawl by Birmingham Urban Sketchers - drawing and viewing the sights of Stirchley and lots of drop in workshops.

Black Sheep Studio & Art Gallery will be running a Pop Art workshop in The Hub Hazelwell on Vicarage Road in Stirchley. This will be from 2-5pm suitable for families. This is a drop in workshop and it is £ Pay what you can.

This workshop will be looking into the fun art movement that came about in the mid 50’s that is called is Pop Art. It is all about bright colours and bold lines – picture comic strips! We will be looking at the likes of Andy Warhol and Roy Lichtenstein for inspiration.

The outcome of the workshop will to be to create either a portrait or a 3D model.

We will be using card, paint, print, collage and our creativity to make a portrait. This could either be a self-portrait, or of someone you know. Think BOLD and block colours to define the features of the faces. This can even be styled like Roy Lichtenstein’s work and resemble a comic book strip.


For the 3D models, we will be using Andy Warhol’s Brillo Pads for inspiration. Aiming to make the items as simplistic and non-functional as possible! For example you could make a giant version of your favourite mug, or shoe.


For all the other events taking place - the flyer is below! Feel free to share this to anyone you feel might enjoy this great event!

Flyer page2.jpg

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